Thursday, 22 December 2011

Land Revenue Terminology in kerala

Personal Inam lands- Were those granted in consideration of individuals of families for service rendered to the crown in old times. These inam lands were assessed with a light Rajabhogam only. Inam lands Are not resumeble by the government. These are transferable and inheritable.
Service Inam lands-These lands were grant made to families or individuals for the performance of  certain service to be performed perpetually. Those lands are resumable if Pandara pattam- There were lands which were originally and exclusively owned by the Government.As time advanced these lands were enfranchised and pattas issued in the names of the tenants conferring for proprietary right on the tenants. These lands were at the last settlement assessed with full pattam
Pandara vaka otti:-These are also lands similar to pandarpattam lands with the exception that otti lands were not assessed to full pattom of the last settlement
Inam lands- These are two lands  (a) Personal Inam and (b) Service Inam. Both these lands comes under pandaravaka
and stipulated conditions of service is violated or ceased to the performed. Service Inam lands are also assessed to light rajabhogam. These lands are not transferable but are limitable so long as they perform the duty.
Reserved Forest-These lands are reserved as forest as defined in the Forest Act. The lands lies outside the cadastral survey limit.Reserve forest are under the control of Forest Department
Cadastral survey- Cadastral survey means scientific survey of lands conducted in pursuance of the settlement proclamation of 1061.
Unresrved lands- These are also lands lying outside the Cadastral survey limit. Though these are outside the  Cadastral survey such lands can at any time be open for cultivating purpose.These lands are not covered by the Forest Act
Reserve land-These lands are also located mostly outside the  Cadastral survey survey limit unlike the Unresrved lands , resrved lands are not open for cultivation for these lands are not intended to be preserved as Forests
Registered land-Lands registered in any person
Land holder-In relation to any land held by the cultivating tenent as defined  in the Kerala Land Reforms Act 1963.The registered holder for the time being of any land.
Unregistered –Lands are the exclusive property of Govt. ie poramboke , Tharisu, Thanathu Chitta, reserved forest, unreserved lands.
Kuthakapattam for definite period relate and includes.
1.       Lease of Govt.lands occupied between the years 1932 and 1945
2.        Leases of Govt.lands occupied of the 1945
3.       Lease of unoccupied Govt lands or trees standing there on or both.
The leases under (1) shall be granted to the occupant for a period of 12 years and the leases under read 3 shall only be public auction.
Beneficial enjoyment-Means the enjoyment of land for purpose like providing approach road to the assignee’s registered holdings and perfection of his water course, Standing crops and building.
Valuable improvements-Shall there improvements by cultivation tea, coffee, rubber, cardamom, arecanut, pepper or coconut or by way of construction of contour bunds or kayal bunds or by way of costruction of buildings
Small holder- means a small holder as defined in the KLR Act,1963
Value of Land-means the value of the land without improvements affected on the land
Arable Forest land –means forest lands transferred from the forest dept to the revenue dept under proper order of the govt for the purpose of the assignment.
Viruthy lands- Viruthy means –these are service grants to which are attached certain obligation in the shape of personal labour and supply of provisions. The lands were granted to families or individuals for the performance of certain services. The family to which viruthy land were granted cannot alienate the land. Small number of viruthies still exists. Velakali viruthi and certain other viruthies in connection with the festivals in Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple.
Karamozhivu lands-These lands are lands which were completely tax free.  The grants having lease made by old sovereign for personal service rendered to them. These lands are however completely different from the devaswom and Brahmaswom Thanathu lands which were also free from tax, so long as the land were not alienated by the Jenmies for money consideration. These lands are transferable.
Revenue Settlement-Means the fixing of the tax due to govt as approved principles and also determining the persons from whom such tax is due.
Thanathu chitta- These are the lands forming the sites of palace and temple.They were also assessed for public revenue or tax and pattas were at the last settlement issued in the name of Sree Pandaravaka kaimachvarkal. This means Govt. tax borne on the Thanathu chitta lands are not recoverable. The tax is remitted in the account years after years.
Poramboke land-These lands are the property of Govt. which are used for public or communicative purpose Road, lanes, river beds, tanks, lakes etc.Poramboke lands are lands to the under immediate use or communication purpose. Poramboke lands are invariably recorded as Poramboke in govt.records.
Tharisu- the term Tharisu as used in the settlement record denotes waste land at the disposal of govt and available for extension of cultivation constantly with the require ment of public or communal properties.
Classification register-This is a record showing the result of the settlement of 1061 prepared survey number war, this register is still kept as a public record.
Land register-This register showed the occupants and owners of each survey number according to the survey conducted.
Registration cases-This record was prepared setting forth as a result of enquiries relates to finding out as far as possible the real owners of the land as  whom  a patta had been issued.
Chitta-This was a register prepared patta number war to facilitate the issue of pattas. This register contained the particulars of taxable trees, then assessment, the patta holder etc. settlement pattas were prepared by grouping the survey numbers held by one pattadar in one village into one series and so on
Thandaper(Rent roll)This is the rent roll prepared by the settlement department on the basis of the chitta and handed over to the Revenue department for the collection of tax.This was a transitory register in the sense that changes often taken place in the name of pattadar and the sub divisions effected.The total of the tax according to all the thandapers in a village constitutes the Ayacut demand of that village.The thandaper register showing in its front page particulars about the name of the pattadar, the survey numbers, and tax due there on.The reverseside will show particulars of recoveries of tax effected.
Public revenue- Means the money due to the governmentt which represent the collective authority of the origin of administrators.
Sanchayam revenue- Including kuthakapattam and assessment imposed under the land conservancy act
Miscellaneous Revenue- 1. Process fee, fine 2.Market tolls 3. Land records maintenance act
Ayacut revenue- means the current land tax
Jamabandy-Means the annual inspection of the village and taluk offices of revenue records to find out   the leakage of revenue, whether the revenue due has been properly realized and also to see whether accounts and registers have been properly maintained. One of the main functions of the Jamabandy at present is the fixing of the demand. The work of Jamabandy is apportioned between the District Collector and revenue Divisional officers are generally entrusted with the jamabandy of not less than two taluk in a year. The Jamabandy of the other taluk is conducted by the District Collector himself. He Jamabandy is conducted in the months of Chingham and Kanni every year. The programme of Jamabandy officer should given wide publicity and publishes in the gazette. So that the ryots may know the date on which their villages are taken up for settlement and bring their grievances to the notice of the Jamabandy officer and get immediate relief. The jamabandy officer is supplied with a printed Jamabandu Check memorandum. The jamabandy officer should forward a narrative report in form no 3 to the Land Revenue commission. The Village Officer should furnish replies to the question raised by the jamabandy Officer in the check memorandum and return the memorandum to the tahsildars. The tahsildar should srutinise the replies of the village Officer and forwards the check memorandum to the District Collectors and Revenue Divisional Officer
Kist-Kist means the installment of land revenue payment on a certain date
Kist bandi- Means the month in which Kist is to be collected
Land Holder- defined in the act means the registered holder of the land.
Registered Holder- Means a person in whose name patta has been duly issued by the Government
Solatium- in land acquisition cases-where in the owner of has been by the acquisition supposing all the property of ryots  is acquired and costly  buildings in the lands have to be demolished and amount over and above  the compensation amount is also given along with the compensation money. This amount is called  solatium .Solatium can never exceed 15% of the compensation amount
Oodukoor lands-By oodukoor is means the system of holding lands jointly by several persons in most cases the lands are not divided by measure and lands not are they divisible  owing to the peculiar characters of enjoyment. What is done in respect of these lands is to take the yield and divide it in the propositions of the above shares due to each pattadar such lands are found in southern Travancore and in a very small scale of the northern taluk also.
Escheats- Where a person dies intestate and without leaving legal heirs ,all his property will be escheats and shall belong to the government
Kudikidappu- Means the land and the homestead or the hut so permitted to be eructed or occupied together with the easement attached thereof
Kudiyirippu- Means  a holding or part of holding consisting of the site of any residential building, the site or sites of other building there to such lands as necessary for the convenient enjoyment of such residential buildings and easements attached thereto ,but does not include a kudikidappu
Remission and writeoff of the land revenue- Remission means ordering temporary deduction of revenue in the assessment and related to current revenue. Write off will affect both the assessment and arrears while remission affect only the money portion
Nanjamel punja- Means the cultivation of crops other than paddy in fields intended for paddy cultivation.Such change of cultivation may some time be necessitated due to conditions of shortage of irrigation water from the Kodayar project or due to conditions of drought. In regard to the lands of the above category, half the assessment is remitted in case the dry cultivation of the land is successful.If the dry cultivation is also fails completely the entire assessment of ttax will be remissioned.
Pokkuvaravu- Means transfer of registry or recording of changes in the name of land holders for the purpose of collection of revenue. Pokkuvaravu is also called mutation of names in revenue accounts

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