Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Election Remuneration in kerala in connection with General Election to Lok Sabha 2014

GO.(Rt) No.132/2014/Elec dt 24.03.2014
Government are pleased to accord sanction for the payment of remuneration to following categories of staff engaged for election duty to the general election to the General  Election to Lok Sabha 2014 at the following rates
1.       Trainers at rehearsal classes------------------------------------------------Rs 350/- per day or part thereof
2.       Staff appointed on counter duty on distribution----------------------Rs 350/- per day or part thereof
And reception days
3.       Staff appointed as facilitators during rehearsal classes-------------- Rs 350/- per day or part thereof
4.       Staff attending to duty of setting up of ballot units with ----------- Rs 350/- per day or part thereof
Ballot paper in EVM
The officers receiving honorarium for election duty will not be eligible to the above remuneration
GO.(Rt) 107/14/elec dt 15.03.2014
Remuneration of polling personnel for the General Election 2014
1.       Presiding Officer/Counting Supervisor---------------------------------------Rs 350/- per day
2.       Polling Officer/Counting Assistant--------------------------------------------Rs 250/- per day
3.       Group D staff-----------------------------------------------------------------------Rs 150/- per day
4.       Police/Mobile party, Home guard, Forest guard, NCC cadet,--------Remuneration from Police Dept
Ex Army, CPF (on Poll day, counting day)                                               Food packet or Rs 150 per day
Personnel appointed at Polling station, Counting centre are eligible for food packet or Rs 150 per day. The above rate are eligible to persons engaged in election process such as
A) Person attending day time election rehearsal class
b) Persons engaged for the reception of polling material
c) Persons engaged in polling station, Counting centre’s
GO(Rt) No.106/2014/Elec dt 15.03.2014
Following categories of designated Officers and teams engaged during the election
A)     District level expenditure observer
B)      Assistant expenditure observer
C)      Laison Officer of the observer
D)     Accounting team
E)      Video surveillance team
F)      Video viewing team
G)     Flying squad for expenditure monitoring
H)     Static Surveillance team/Video Surveillance team
I)        District control room
J)       Anti defacement squad
K)      MCC team
L)       Sect oral officer
M)   Sect oral Assistant
N)     Zonal Magistrate
O)     Expenditure Monitoring/Control Room/Call centre team
P)      Income Tax team of Income Tax Department
The above officers will be paid Rs 150/-per day as refreshment charges. The above officers will be in duty throughout the day. Govt also accorded sanction for the payment of remuneration as follows irrespective of the category or team they were engaged.
Group A-------------------------------Rs 7500/- lump sum
Group B -------------------------------Rs 6000/- lump sum
Group C--------------------------------Rs 4000/- lump sum
Group D--------------------------------Rs 3000/- lump sum
All staff including Drivers(excluding the employees engaged on contract basis) in the teams mentioned  above are eligible for remuneration.
Classification of state Government employees vide GO(MS) no dt 430/09(149)/Fin dt 6.10.2009 will be followed for deciding the Group of employees
{(Group A-Scale of pay 16650-23000 to 26600-33750(pay scale related to 2004)
Group B- Scale of pay 10790-18000 to 13610-20700(pay scale related to 2004)
GroupC- Scale of pay 4630-7000 to 9590-16650(pay scale related to 2004)
Group D- Scale of pay 4510-6230(pay scale related to 2004)}

GO (Rt) No.160/2014/Elec dt 4.4.2014

Coolie charges for the Polling booth arrangement during the general Election to Lok Sabha-2014 as shown below
1.       The Coolie charges of Booth arrangements--------------------------Rs 250/-
2.       The hire charges of electrical fittings and fitting charges---------Rs 150/-
(light arrangement for two days)
3.       The coolie charges for antidefacement&cleaning of premises---Rs100/-
4.       Charges for providing drinking water facility at booth--------------Rs100/-

5.       For providing ramp at the polling booth(only if required)---------Rs300

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